No more update

I will never update this game anymore
it seems that it really difficult to make this game reach what I dreamed or actually it already did it. I decide to not continuing it since I really bad at making games and still didn't know anything much about it
also I didn't have or own any of sprite, image, and name of this game.
I will still make game though but might not be same or just a normal boring game as to share my experience
So please Unfollow me if you expect more game like this because I will never make same thing again
Here What I added
update on 0.3
- Added chance maya to unwear her short first instead of top
- New Font
- added name on top of the screen
- Blocked Rollback, So you now can't change answer
- Gallery (Unlocked if you win)
- retry button if you lose
- a little bit more dialogue
- Name saved (can be change in "other setting")
- New name
- add loop to play sound to keep it at same volume
- fix main menu logo and button placement (might still broken on android tablet)
- fix text size in score board
- volume is lowered
There's more but not important